Tuesday, March 1, 2016

[GUIDE] How to change TWRP's color

Yeah, that's it. I was thinking about making twrp images for our device with every single color which you can found in this nice thread. Yes, I know that we can put the theme in /TWRP/theme/. But, why don't get rid of that annoying folder, make the change permanent, and most of all, share knowledge? That's what I'm going to do by making even easier the above guide, plus I'll be uploading modified twrp images (when I got time) for those who are lazy or don't have a computer.
Let's say, what we need:

Android Kitchen 2.4 for Windows. It's in the attachments section.
Uncompressed themes. You can choose your fav color there.
Patience and common sense.

1. Uncompress the Android Kitchen zip in your desktop (or any other folder), and download your favorite theme color. Uncompress it too.
2. Download twrp for titan from the official website. I used this build: 3.0.0-0. It worked flawlessly for me, but I guess that any other version is ok.
3. Put the twrp image in the Android Kitchen folder (in the same folder where are the .bat files and so on).
4. Drag the image file to the "unpackimg.bat". There'll be a folder called ramdisk afterwards.
5. Go to ramdisk/twres/, and keep it open in a window. Remember the uncompressed theme from the first point? Well, open the uncompressed folder and move this: "images", "portrait.xml", "splash.xml", "ui.xml" to /ramdisk/twres. If windows asks if you want to replace these files, hit yes to everything.
6. Go back to the Android Kitchen Folder and click repackimg.bat; wait, and voilá, there'll be a new-image.img. Flash it from fastboot or from twrp itself (remember to check the "recovery" box). Click in "Reboot Recovery" to see how your twrp looks now.
That's all!

Here are some modified images. Click the color to dowload it.

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible to what could happen to your device. This is generally safe, but there's always people that end up messing their phones in a veeeery strange way. You're warned.
Thanks to: osm0sis, Luk, Luca, fichl and those who made this possible. I don't own anything nor I did any theme. If there's any way to make this better, you're free to post it here. I just share what worked for me.

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1XZJNHH

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