Tuesday, March 1, 2016

XT1550 **Soft Bricked** Can't any custom recovery / ROM / Stock ROM

Okay so here's the info to the best of my knowledge,

Phone Model : Moto G 3rd Gen (XT1550, dual sim, 2gb RAM, 16gb ROM, India)

Bootloader Status : Unlocked

Root Status : Rooted

Recovery : Stock

ROM : Stock ROM 5.1.1

I've been running the stock Recovery & ROM with high hopes of getting an official OTA Marshamallow update.

To truly customize the device to my liking I flashed the xposed framework (the arm version) , it worked fine and all the modules I installed worked perfectly.

I also had Device Control, Xposed Gels, and some other apps to bring my Stock ROM experience close to that of Cyanogen MOD. :D:cowboy:

When the OTA Marshmallow update started rolling in , I was unable to install the update even after successfully downloading the file numerous times. But i was so comfortable with my device and all the customization I had on my device that I decided to keep using my customized Stock ROM.

4 months later (now) the lack of a gyro in this device and my eagerness to get into VR headsets has left me with no choice but to sell it and get another phone. So i needed it in a sale worthy condition, without the customization and with the Marshmallow update installed.

I uninstalled the xposed framework and all the modules but was still unable to install the OTA update.

So i figured i'd install CyanogenMOD with TWRP custom recovery.

I have done this for quiet a lot of my friends and am fairly used to the steps involved. I use the " minimalADB fastboot " kit and my device on fastboot to flash recovery. For some reason i was not able to flash the lastest TWRP image (twrp-osprey-3.0.0-r2.img ) for the device nor was i able to boot from it :eek::confused::crying:. The fastboot command prompt on my PC would show success but the devices would not restart into the custom recovery like it is supposed to, but the device would stay at the fastboot mode and kept restarting everytime i selected the recovery mode option.

I had an older image (twrp-osprey-2.8.7-r3.img ) which i couldn't flash either but i was able to boot into TWRP with this image. From here i tried installing the latest CM12.1 nightly available (cm-12.1-20160227-NIGHTLY-osprey.zip) as soon as i swiped the device would just reboot, i tried this numerous times and with other nightly builds as well.

In haste and frustration i wiped the cache/dalvik , internal storage and system through TWRP , thinking that changes made in the quest of customizing my device were causing this hindrance. I had no OS now. I went over trying to flash TWRP and CM12.1 many times again with the same issues.

I came about a thread on How to " Fastboot Flash Moto G (3rd Gen) Factory Firmware Images " (http://ift.tt/1Yh5Hrw) & used this firmware image " Retail Asia | India (2GB) - XT1550_OSPREY_RETASIA_DS_2GB_6.0_MPI24.65-25_cid7 ". Still no progress.

The bootloader unlocked warning has come back (i flashed a stock MOTO logo there earlier) which keeps flashing on my screen again and again , no booting into OS or anything else. Not even an error. As if there is no OS installed.

I have gone about the procedure in the above thread a couple of times, with no success and the same problem.

Is there any reason why i'm unable to flash a custom recovery or ROM ??? What am i missing???

Please help i'm stuck, pulling my hair out with no phone and completely frustrated.

Thanks in advance.

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1TQy3XL

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