Sunday, February 28, 2016

Android 5.0 and Wired Headset Problem.

Recently, I factory reset my SGS5 (900i) and returned to a stock Android 5.0 ROM.

Since then, I have noticed that whenever I plug a pair of Phillips wired headphones into the jack, I can't use the single button on the headset without soft booting the phone. I plug the headset in and choose the app I want to listen to audio through but the button doesn't respond. However, if I reboot my phone, I regain full functionality for a little while before the problem returns. The issue is not confined to a single set of headphones and the headphones work perfectly in other devices. I believe the issue is related to the Android OS.

I read that it might be an issue with Now cards so I disabled them and I thought I might have solved it. However the problem has persisted.

from xda-developers

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